Friday, December 20, 2019
In In Memoriam Essay - 1951 Words
The poem In Memoriam by Alfred Lord Tennyson comprises sections that differ in emotion, tone and appearance but are all unified by the speakers confusion about religion and new discoveries in science. Charles Darwin wrote The Origin of Species, which had many theories of evolution which include, the survival of the fittest and natural selection. These scientific developments characterized the Victorian age and confused the foundation of the Christian faith among people. The stories of the bible conflicted with the scientific facts and the people could no longer accept many of the things that the bible once said. There are many sections of the poem where the confusion is present such as in 54, 55, and 56. In the prologue the speaker†¦show more content†¦He describes how regretful he is for losing his faith and getting spiritually lost, but he eventually found his way back to God. The prologue forces the reader to think about faith and how it connects to science and how the p hysical earth connects to the bible. The speaker points out that it is not easy and in the sections 54, 55, and 56 the speaker has lost all faith and is only left with hope. In section 54 of the poem, the speaker first starts to contemplate his faith. He finds that he is desperately attempting to save his Christian beliefs even though there is so much evidence supporting the opposite. The speaker tries to focus his thoughts to trust that somehow good Will be the final goal of ill (Rundle). He cannot understand or comprehend that everything made by people was for nothing and he keeps his belief that God will prevail. The speaker writes That nothing walks with aimless feet; That not one life shall be destroyed, Or cast as rubbish to the void (Rundle). The speaker believes that God has a place for everyone in the end. Although the scientific evidence says otherwise, the speaker feels he has to hold on to the belief that all life is unique in Gods eyes. The speaker tries to hold on to the thought that he has a purpose in the world apart from procreation. He strives to hold on to this belief That not a moth with vain desire but subserves anothers gain (Rundl e), that all existence is notShow MoreRelatedIn Memoriam Aliam Tennyson Analysis1158 Words  | 5 Pages â€Å"In Memoriam,†is a poem that describes the journey of Alfred, Lord Tennyson, his growing Christian faith, and his experiences after the passing of his dear friend Arthur Hallam. Although throughout the memoriam, Tennyson is submerged in deep sorrow and constantly faced with questions and challenges through every bit of the mourning process, Tennyson slowly becomes a faithful and strong believing Christian who is filled with hope and Gods love. 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